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Currently, many existing wallets are not wallets that can produce optimal efficiency suitable for Mango-X, so we provide Wallet services that can produce the best efficiency in the Mango-X ecosystem, and according to the G20 summit, regulations according to institutional institutions such as VASP or CASP are provided. It's getting higher However, an important element of the regulation is whether it is subject to regulation depending on whether it is 'control' or 'non-custodial' over the Wallet, so Mango-X can provide the best efficiency and convenience through Web3 and efficient regulatory response. We provide Wallet services.
Wallet Goals and objectives for Mango-X’s efficient ecosystem In order to use Beauty Mango platform services and Mango Place in the Mango-X ecosystem, the data and goods required for various uses such as Mango- You need an optimized management Wallet that can manage it. In other words, it contributes to the development of Mango-X's ecosystem and improvement of convenience of use.
Mango-X Wallet can manage blockchain data and data such as Mango-X Token, Mango-M, NFTs, and SBT, which are uncontrolled and non-table, respecting the Web3 ownership of users and having no concerns about sanctions against companies or hacking of Wallet companies.
🟠However, since it is a non-custodial type with no control due to ownership guaranteed by Web3, the security of the individual user is extremely important.
⭐️ Easy creation and use of a security recovery key that requires more complex 24-sentence security and a confirmation message asking if the key message has been saved, so there is no need to re-enter the recovery key.
⭐️ Logged-in Wallet data is shared with the Mango-X ecosystem, the Beauty Mango platform and Place, and can be used and confirmed directly on the Beauty Mango platform and Place.
⭐️ Wallet is reviewing the ability to exchange the blockchain's iconic stable coins, such as Bitcoin and USDT, with Mango-X Token.
⭐️ Through the provider version of Wallet, medical service providers can use special management functions tailored to the service provider, such as immediately issuing the service provider's NFT or SBT, transferring it to the service user's wallet, and remembering the service user's wallet.
⭐️ Service users can also easily make payments to the service provider with Mango-X Token and Mango-M, and can freely use or view issued NFTs and SBTs to the service provider.
⭐️ When holding Mango-X Token or Mango-M in Wallet, 1% Mango-M payment is being considered for the amount of Mango-X Token or Mango-M that does not change for 1 month.
We are prioritizing the use of Wallet's data for signing up, logging in, linking, etc., and reviewing the direction so that you can use the Mango-X ecosystem immediately upon signing up for Wallet, and making it easy to check important events and news. We are also reviewing other Wallet data. Consider the direction to have immediate connection or deposit,withdrawal compatibility with global exchanges through activities such as compatibility and signing up and acquisition of CODE or VASP.
Steps that exist as homework to solve the preceding mission
We prioritize the use of Wallet's data for signing up, logging in, and linking, and review the direction so that you can use the Mango-X ecosystem immediately upon signing up for Wallet, and review important events and news so that you can easily check them.
Consider direction to ensure compatibility with other Wallets and immediate connection or deposit,withdrawal compatibility with global exchanges through activities such as signing up and acquiring CODE or VASP.
🟠The current and future white paper product and service contents in this white paper are not definitive and may be subject to change.
🟠If the content of the white paper is changed, it will take effect 30 days after the content of the changed white paper is announced after prior notice that the white paper may be changed.