🔸Mango-X Token Economy
basic information
Reason for selecting BSC (BNB): Review of various factors such as centralization and decentralization in essential areas.
⭐️Convenience of entering and distributing to global wallets and exchanges around the world with high compatibility
⭐️Providing high speed of 100 transactions per second and PoS (Proof of Stake) consensus mechanism
⭐️High security, user asset protection and decentralization with proven security process Innovative platform for applications (widely used in Dapps, enabling smart contract agreements)
⭐️High-performance blockchain compatible with EVM and supporting smart contract agreements
⭐️Cross-chain interoperability Supports connection to other blockchain networks
⭐️Utilize stack resources such as development and human resources with abundant skills and various algorithm sources such as Hyperledger (easy development support and reduction of development time and cost)
⭐️Community participation and interest in a strong ecosystem, etc.
⭐️Services such as a diverse and rich ecosystem participation support kit supported by Binance and BSC, etc.
⭐️Stable ecosystem composition and maintenance, including world-class exchange and Binance world-class EVM support
Contract address : Preparing
Contract Scan : Preparing
Total Supply
10,000,000,000 Mango-X
TGE Initial issuance
Preparing (GMT)
BNB Smart Chain
Mango-X Distribution & Lock up
Token Allocation
Initial Distribution
(No Lock Up)
(from the year 25)
(Release on the 1st of each month for 60 months from the month after the token is issued)
(Release on the 1st of each month for 60 months from the month after the token is issued)
(Release on the 1st of each month for 60 months from the month after the token is issued)
(Release on the 1st of each month for 60 months from the month after the token is issued)
(Release on the 1st of each month for 60 months from the month after the token is issued)
🟠All lock-up-related token distribution is done after all tokens except the initial distribution amount are stored in the lock-up smart contract and then transferred to the BNB smart contract.
Lockup is released according to the promised schedule according to the algorithm (lockup). Additionally, BNB contract scans are transparently disclosed through lock-up smart contracts.
Token Ecosystem Philosophy Information
⭐️In the ecosystem as a whole, Mango-X is used as a token token.
⭐️As it is a global project, we consider the reliability, transparency, low fees and stability of EVM to provide the most ideal service and achieve Web3 with global scalability, stability, rapid technical processing ability, centralization within the required range, and mixing of Dapps.
⭐️Efficiently achieve the ultimate Web3 by combining NFT and SBT to include information beyond tokens, which are ecosystem resources with guaranteed ownership (customer information data and various functions and information such as discounts, transactions, ratings, etc.)
⭐️Participants can maximize and protect their ownership using blockchain through the implementation of Web3 and participation in AI and ecosystem services, and all Web3 data guaranteed by ecosystem participants can be trusted as it is transparently proven on-chain using blockchain technology.
⭐️Service functions and activity data from ecosystem participation are transparently proven on-chain using blockchain technology, so they can be processed and utilized as big data as reliable database figures, providing basic transparent data disclosure and providing big data and data within the ecosystem. Expanded to packaging services, contributing innovation and paradigm to industries and ecosystem participants within the ecosystem.
🟠Mango-X prioritizes providing services to ecosystem participants, protecting ecosystem participants, innovation and paradigm, etc.
However, please note that this does not encourage the purchase of Mango-X Token, which is used as the basis for Mango-X, or guarantee the price of Mango-X Token.
🟠Mango-X Token's value may fluctuate depending on market changes and participation.
🟠The current and future contents of this white paper are not definitive and may be subject to change.
🟠If the content of the white paper is changed, it will take effect 30 days after the content of the changed white paper is announced after prior notice that the white paper may be changed.
Last updated